This is the official auxiliary application for playing the Seven Galaxies card game.Characteristics:• Perfect for controlling the level, energy and life of the fortress;• Easy control of "intuitive purchases";• Has rounds counter;• View the Complete Rules manual within the app (searchable PDF);• Choose your theme;• In each theme, several backgrounds featuring the incredible art of the Seven Galaxies!About the Physical Game:In the infinity of galaxies in the universe, seven of them are primordial. In them are the Seven Stones of Creation responsible for all existing power, providing the energy, vitality and balance necessary for everything to exist. Greed for the possession of these stones corrupts villages, fuels wars and ignites the sense of justice of those who protect them.Seven Galaxies is a card game with the theme of intergalactic wars that brings with it new experiences and infinite possibilities, in a universe never seen before. Each player assembles his army in his own way and aims to destroy the opponents fortress to win the battle. For that, it will have several creatures and other auxiliary cards, thus being able to neutralize the enemy and reach its objective. The moves depend on two things: level and energy. Level is what will be used for calling cards and energy is used primarily to activate effects.Outlining a strategy and leading his army, the player will be able to make several plays, such as: summon creatures, strategies and supports; attack; evolve, equip or give a new power to a creature; activate different abilities and effects peculiar to each card; etc. All this through innovative, fun and fluid mechanics, full of elements that please lovers of truly strategic games.